
Install 3proxy Centos

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux, or its derivatives such as CentOS, install Tinyproxy from the EPEL repository by running yum install tinyproxy. How to use SOCKS proxy with yum? Up vote 10 down vote favorite. The man page to yum.conf describes several proxy related. // yum install.

This how-to explains how to install the current version of Squid Proxy on a CentOS 7 VM with Webmin, Apache, and SARG with update support from repositories. As well as how to include easy to use whitelists and blacklists. It also covers how to enforce the use of the proxy server via Group Policy and for Internet Explorer and third party browsers such as Firefox. There are no formatting options, but I tried to make it as readable as possible. Pound symbols (#) mean to enter what's after it in the terminal.

3proxy Install Linux

Hyper-V --------a. Insert LIS disc --------b. # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt --------c. # cp –r /mnt /root/lis --------d. # chmod –R 0775 /root/lis --------e. # cd /root/lis/RHEL71 --------f. #./install.sh --------g.

Install 3proxy Centos

Note: If you install the incorrect version, you can remove it by performing the following: ----------------1. # rpm -qa grep microsoft ----------------2. VMWare Tools: (requires perl and net-tools so skip ahead and do steps 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 first then come back to here) --------a. Do steps 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 first. Insert vmware tools disc. # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt --------d. # cp -r /mnt /root/vmwaretools --------e.

# cd /root/vmwaretools --------f. # tar -xvf VMwareTools-9.0.tar.gz (adjust if needed) --------g.

# cd vmware-tools-distrib --------h. #./vmware-install.pl -d 3. (# shutdown –r now). # rpm --import 2. Tai Game Samurai Shodown 2 Cho Laptop. # yum update 3. # yum -y install openssl openssl-devel 4. # yum -y install perl perl-Net-SSLeay perl-Crypt-SSLeay 5. Eaton Galileo Software.