
Pcsx2 Tri Ace Game Fix

Pcsx2 Tri Ace Game FixPcsx2 Tri Ace Game Fix

Pcsx2 - PCSX2 - The Playstation 2 Emulator. Refractionpcsx2 Fix & symbols in GameFixesPanel. Fixes Tri-Ace games boot crash.

Downloaded the newest revision and tried out Jak 1, it still drops as low as 40 fps for me when there's lots of polygons on screen. I had the task manager open and the four cores it was using were at around 20% usage, though they tended to spike a bit whenever the game slowed down (but still not near 100%). Unfortunately it crashed on the opening cutscene when I was switching between fullscreen and window. I'll try again and see if I can get ingame this time. EDIT - Reloading my save got me into the tutorial, it still slows down to 45-50 fps unless the camera is zoomed way in on something.

I could probably try OC'ing a little more, I'm currently at 4 ghz. Trying ZoE2, and I think I'm bottlenecked by some completely different problem than everyone else. My NTSC game is actually faster with 8-bit texturing disabled than enabled And the PAL version is significantly faster - actually it's weird because i'm still getting the same mid/high 30s fps as NTSC, but it's a lot smoother in both animation and sound Things like FXAA or 2x vs Native make nearly no difference All in all, a clusterfuck that I can't seem to solve I think my computer is just messed up in general SSE4.1 DX11 i5 750 AMD 5850. Well, I can't link you the post, but I can tell you how to do it. Basically add PCSX2 into steam, right click and choose properties.

In the box under neath target, at the end of what it already says type '. Byron Birdsall Limited Edition Prints. It'll then autoload that iso. If you want to have different config files for it, then copy the ini files into another folder(Like in a folder with the games name) and then at the end of that, just add --cfgpath= Works like a charm for me.

Edit: Oh right and don't forget to change the name of the steam short cut to the game name in the top box. Holy shitsticks. Holy SHITSTICKS. TL;DR = I'm blown away, but if anyone cares, my quick personal story: I've hooked up my (2008) PC to my TV for the first time ever, a 46' Panny Plasma. I have no idea why I've waited so long to try that out, but hey, amazing.

I was running Windows XP with some crazy bloated registry from the last two years that was slowing things down. Realized I could grab Windows 7 (a student license) for free from my college (had no idea till now). So, wiped it clean, experiencing 7 for the first time, enjoying a wonderful, fresh new system, and thought, what the hell, now that it's hooked up to the TV and as fast and clean as it'll ever be, let me give PS2/Wii emulation a try. Got my systems still hooked up and everything, but hey, enough people on GAF have gushed about what these games CAN look like on even a halfway decent PC. My PC was built by a friend, nothing special. Core 2 Duo 3.0ghz, GeForce 8800GT (a beast for its time, iirc), 2GB RAM (lol). Mozan Racing Software. I own FFXII and FFXII Int'l ZJS and used the English patch last year when I learned about it on GAF, and even sought out a fat PS2, MagicSWAP and a Slide Tool so that I could actually play it.

And it worked, and it was cool, but shit, what I would have given to have XII ZJS English look even just as good as XII did when I was playing it upscaled on my PS3. Fast forward to today. I installed PCSX2 using the GAF thread advice. I didn't even have the patience to check the XII/ZJS specific guide to tweak settings, I thought, let me just fire it up and see how it looks and plays.

Fast forward to the start of my post. Holy SHITSTICKS. Fuck, is this ever motherfucking GORGEOUS. I mean, there's no denying the still images in this thread and the other PCSX2 thread.but to see it look so beautiful in motion.man.

I just didn't think it was going to run this well, so fast, without even so much as a tweak, on my 2008-era PC. I mean, after I played it for a bit, I realized a couple of sound issues are off (sync issues, specifically), and I'm sure once I get into the crazier and more heated battles with more intense spell effects, that some slowdown will occur, but I haven't even applied the ideal tweaks yet that are recommended. I'm SO ELATED. Thank you GAF. I don't actually have any of the HD Compliation PS3 releases yet (my first will be the Ico/SOTC one next month) -- do they look this great? I can't imagine they would.

I mean, they're going to be gorgeous, and optimized, and all trophy'd up and what not, but wow. This is unreal. I got Valkyrie Profile 2 running. It seems fine until I get to the first area.the woods or whatever. I forget the name. In the first town it runs smooth 60fps, but when I get to the woods I've got these red borders everywhere and the framerate is terribly inconsistent.