
Slidewrite Plus Free

General description Technical graphing, curve-fitting and data analysis functions that can transform your data into technical graphs and charts that are impressive and memorable. A technical presentation program for development of publication-quality graphs, charts, and scientific figures. Along with full statistics, curve-fitting, and data analysis features, SlideWrite also boasts drawing capabilities, optional libraries of scientific clip art, and a wide range of device drivers for slidemakers, printers, plotters, and cameras. Exports TIFF, PCX, CGM, EPS, and HPGL files; imports Lotus, ASCII, and PCX files, among others.

Slidewrite - SlideWrite Plus - technical graphing, curve-fitting and data analysis functions that can transform your data into technical graphs and charts.

Slidewrite Plus Software

Angle For Solar Panel Installation there. System Requirements Windows 3.1 or later; 2 MB RAM; math coprocessor recommended but not required. Legal Information SlideWrite is a trademark of Advanced Graphics Software.

Slidewrite Plus