
Tecplot Tutorial Pdf

Tecplot ManualTecplot Windows 10

Tecplot product documentation includes release notes, user's and getting started manuals, installation, scripting, and quick reference guides, and more. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Tecplot 360TM User’s Manual is for use with Tecplot 360TM Version 2013 R1. Copyright © 1988-2013 Tecplot, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

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TECPLOT ASCII Files - (extension '.dat') TECPLOT ASCII Files (extension '.dat') TEC is a data directory which contains examples of TECPLOT ASCII files. TECPLOT ASCII files are used by the TECPLOT program, which is a visualization program for technical data. Technics Kn 1200 User Manual more. Typically, a user has an application program (fluid flow solver, engineering stress program, aeronautic simulator, heat flow program), that produces lots of data.

The user must write a subroutine that packages this data into a TECPLOT ASCII file format ( there are several, including special finite element forms). Then the user can postprocess the data, and display it, by running TECPLOT. TECPLOT ASCII File Characteristics: • ASCII (although TECPLOT can also create and use binary data files which typically have the '.plt' extension); • Color is not associated with the data, but can be added during postprocessing by the TECPLOT program, or by associating variables 'R', 'G' and 'B' with data, for instance; • 2D or 3D data, and can have time dependence; • No compression (except for the binary data format option); • Geometric data is stored, but the user can also store associated quantities such as pressure, temperature, or velocity. • Data is grouped into zones whose meaning is determined by the user.

Animation is achieved by starting with each zone being a 'time snapshot', and displaying one zone at a time. Reference: • The TECPLOT home page: Sample Files: •, 3D geometries, using using POINT and BLOCK formats. Contains 2 zones; •, 3D finite element, scalar data T(X,Y,Z), using the 'BLOCK' datapacking and 'FEBRICK' element; •, 3D finite element tetrahedral data, using 'BLOCK' datapacking and 'FETETRAHEDRON' element; •, 2D channel flow, with two boundary lines and an internal dashed line drawn, using POINT format; •, 2D data, uses the BLOCK format, created by the program; •; •; •, uses the POINT format; •, a small dataset on an L-shaped 2D region.

• color data (R,G,B)(X,Y,Z), for the SURFACE of a 3D human figure, using 'DATAPACKING=POINT' and the 'FEQUADRILATERAL' element; • color data (R,G,B)(X,Y,Z), for the SURFACE of a 3D human figure, using 'DATAPACKING=POINT' and the 'FETRIANGLE' element; • a image of the humanoid; •, a very simple 'animation' of two tiny frames, using the POINT format. Contains 2 zones. •, a multizone 2D plot, using the POINT format; Contains 2 zones.