
The Tudors S01e10

You think you know a story, but you only know how it ends. To get to the heart of the story, you have to go back to the beginning. His Majesty, the king. My lords and councillors, there is a great deal of work to do. In the past, those who held the reins of government deceived me.

The Tudors S01e10 Download

Feb 07, 2018 The Tudors - S01E10 Repost Like. By Enbila Borsme. Follow 0 0 views. The Tudors - S01E10 more. Publication date.

Many things were done without my knowledge or my approval. But such proceedings will stop in the future.

The Tudors S01e10 Subtitles

Your Grace will be appointed president of the council. Jointly with the Duke of Suffolk. Your Majesty. We shall convene again very shortly.

To discuss those matters which remain close to our hearts. Although it pleases me much that Wolsey is no longer here among us, yet Even in his absence, does he not cause you disquiet? He was attaindered, but not for treason. Which means he still lives.

And so long as he lives, he remains a danger both to the realm and to us. He is far away in York. I think you exaggerate the danger. And I think that you don't understand it.

The king, as you know, could easily change his mind. And if he did, if Wolsey ever returned to this court we would both have cause enough to fear his vengeance. This is intolerable.

We must have the roof mended. With what and by whom? We have no money and no bloody servants. Surely, the king never meant you to live so wretchedly?

After all, you are still archbishop of York. Well, perhaps it's not the king's fault.

I have had cause to remember the old prophecy: 'When the cow rideth the bull, then, priest, beware thy skull. ' You mean that cow Anne Boleyn? Which is why I'm writing her this letter. Even if she's the cause of all our misery? Well, yes, since she's the cause, she can also be the cure. I just have to persuade her that I am not her enemy, but her friend. I still have the letter in which she promises to reward me for all my pains and efforts at such time as she becomes crowned.

I seem to remember at the time you thought her promises rather amusing. Well, yes, perhaps I did. Since then I have rather lost my sense of humour.

Sir Thomas, I notice you allow yourself none of the trappings of your office. I'm not so vain as to display its power, Master Cromwell. But I tell you this, I fully intend to use it. - May I ask to what effect? - Here, for example. Here is a report of a sermon recently given in Cambridge by a certain Hugh Latimer. A senior member of the university.

And I quote: 'Mr. Latimer said that holy scripture should be read in the English tongue of all Christian people whether priest or layman.

He raged against the gilding of images the running of pilgrimages, and superstitious devotion. He said that all men were priests and that we had no need for priests or popes on Earth. ' Times have changed, Master Cromwell.

Now I plainly see the risk and danger involved in such an open-door policy towards these newfangled, erroneous sects. You condemn all Reformers as heretics? Wolsey was far too soft on them. I intend not to be. Will you burn them?

'This belief that pope and clergy possess separate power and authority is contrary to scripture. The king is the representative of God on Earth and his law is God's law. The ruler is accountable to God alone and the obedience of his subjects is an obedience required by God. Logic X Project. For the Church and the pope to rule the princes of Europe is not only a shame above all shames but an inversion of the divine order.

One king and one law in God's name in every realm. ' This book is a book for me, and for all kings. And there are other books like it. Books which detail the abuses of power, privileges the greed of the clergy in Your Majesty's realm.

Books which Wolsey deliberately kept hidden from you. I should like to read them. Now I've taken power unto myself I shall work day and night if necessary to resolve things. Including my annulment. I swear to you now everything will be different. His Majesty the king. - Ambassador Chapuys.

- Your Majesty. I hear you are a very able and intelligent diplomat. Like me, I'm sure you're aware of all the new religious controversies.

I know of some new heresies that have sprang up here and there, certainly. If only the pope and his cardinals could set aside their vain pomp start living according to the precepts of the gospels the and early fathers. I am well aware Your Majesty is in the midst of an argument with His Holiness.

I'm not talking about myself. You see, when Luther attacked the vice and corruption of the clergy, he was right. Had he stopped, and not gone on to destroy the sacraments and so on, I would have raised my pen in his defence rather than attacking him. The need for reformation in the Church is manifest. The emperor has a duty to promote it. As do I in my own domain.