
Vinchenso Font

Autobiografia De Un Hombre Feliz Descargar Pdf more. 7 Wonders Of The Ancient World Games. List of sites offering Military fonts. TYPE DESIGN INFORMATION PAGE last updated on Thu Jan 25 12:39:26 EST 2018. Vinchenso Regular (2003). Waimea (1992).

Vinchenso Font

My wife would like to find the font that was used on a wedding invitation she has from many, many years ago. Is there a good way to identify it? It's a serif font. It has a 'tall' look.

The height to width ratio is about 50% greater than, say TNR. The lowercase letters are much smaller in comparison to the upper case letters -- I'd say about 1/3 as tall. The ascenders for the lowercase h, k, l, d, & b are as tall as the uppercase letters. The lowercase 't' is much shorter.

The descenders are longer than TNR. The numbers are about 2/3 the height of the uppercase letters. Daemon Tools Install Reboot. The uppercase 'F' in Friday overlaps the 'r' by half the width. The lowercase 'y' in Day extends back under the 'a' almost completely. I tried to match it with fonts on my computer. The closest I could find is Poor Richard, but it's not tall enough and the numbers are too large.